Teacher Teresa M. Garriga in Portugal

 On the first day I was able to discover new landscapes and unexpected gifts…

I visited the School of Health, which is the section of the Polytechnic University of Algarve that includes five degrees: Nursing, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Dietetics and Biomedical Sciences.

I was welcomed by the pedagogical director of the University School and the director general of the University.

They showed me the school and introduced me to different professionals in charge of the training areas as well as a few teachers.

After this experience I am happy to say that the level we teach in the medium degree in nursing at ETP Xavier is very adequate and complete.

We can be proud that our students acquire a good standard of patient care and well-being.

Many civilizations have left their historical mark on Faro, a beautiful city full of beautiful colours.

I appreciate the management team and the Erasmus coordinators for the opportunity I had to do this exchange.


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