Farah Haykal, 2n Comerç - final stretch in my Erasmus stage

Coming to the final stretch of my stay in Munich, I must say that I learned many things  professionally and personally.

Learning some of the German laws and how they deal with international trade shows me the differences that it has with Spain.I have to say that at first people seem much more serious than spanish people, but everything is to know them and see that it is the opposite! They are very friendly and they always offer their help in what they can.Personally, I have realized that it is very important to be always careful and not trust quickly, sometimes there are people who can take advantage of the vulnerability of the person, so you must always be careful! But in case of not speaking it, it is not a big problem either since most people have a good level of English and they are able to answer any questions."Getting used to living in a foreign country requires at least six months" is the phrase that one of my colleagues continuously repeat,when I explain to her some of the difficulties I had.I  miss to be surrounded by my family and friends, but it is necessary to live this unique experience in order to grow, to value what we have and we do not realize and squeeze all the knowledge that is provided to us!At the level of communication, as we well known, Germans love their language! And they always prefer to speak German than English. They also greatly appreciate the effort to speak with them in their language and they help you to improve it.But in case of not speaking it, it is not a big problem either since most people have a good level of English and they are able to answer any questions.Culturally I have had some shocks, since for example they usually eat sooner than we do, stores and supermarkets close earlier … But it is easy to deal with that. She has helped me a lot and has taught me some places in Munich to spend my free time, although I have not had the opportunity to visit the city thoroughly because I always prefer to do it with someone. That’s why in my free time I decided  to go and visit my family. Ii is quite far away  from Munich but very beautiful villages.I  miss to be surrounded by my family and friends, but it is necessary to live this unique experience in order to grow, to value what we have and we do not realize and squeeze all the knowledge that is provided to us!


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