Carla Domènech, Guia: first impressions - Kuopio, Finland

After more than a week living in Finland I can say that I am in love with this country.
The weather is not that cold, people are so nice and helpful and food is delicious.
The first week was a little bit hard for me because I have to share a room with 3 more people and I am used to live alone,sleeping with 3 persons is very difficult sometimes. I’ll have to stay in this hostel until the first of February and then, I will move to an apartment and I will have my very own room.
The job that I’m doing here is in a Hotel & Spa called Rauhalahti, and is located in the middle of the forest and near a lake. The views from the main pool of the Spa are amazing.
This first weeks of January the hotel is kinda empty because Finnish people have vacations the beginning of February, so until then, everything here it’s very calm. 

I’ve learned a lot of Finnish words already and I can’t wait to learn more in future weeks. All the workers of the hotel are very nice with me and they are helping me a lot with everything. I am speaking English all the time so this Erasmus experience is helping me a lot to improve my English. 
About Kuopio, I have to say that it’s better than I thought, it’s full of lakes, forests, nature and shopping centers, so you can do a lot of things here. 
I can’t wait to see and experience of the real weather of Finland and go to ski and skate, 
                                                                        I hope it arrives soon.

 Soon comes more!!


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